
How Long To Leave Gauze After Tooth Extraction

Offset thing after your tooth extraction surgery, yous will most certainly have some bleeding. And, that's normal. In fact, to assist, your dentist will put gauze, or dressing, over the socket. Merely how practise you know how long to go on gauze in subsequently tooth extraction?

how long to keep gauze in after tooth extraction
How long should yous keep gauze in?

In our guide below, we'll dive into:

  • How long you should keep the dressing in place to help the blood clot course
  • How often yous should swap it out for new gauze
  • When information technology may be time to phone call your dentist
  • Other ways you lot tin can help end the bleeding

Nosotros hope this helps take some of the doubtfulness out of the experience as you recover from extraction surgery.

It'south perfectly normal to drain afterwards your surgery. After all, you lot have just had a tooth removed, leaving a hole in its place. The proficient news is that the bleeding generally doesn't last very long. It typically lasts an hr or ii, and maybe a bit more in some cases.

Right after the procedure, your dentist will place gauze over the site and apply pressure. This helps stop the bleeding. You should endeavour to keep that pressure level on the wound for every bit long as the dressing is in place.

You volition likely only be using gauze for several hours afterward your surgery.

Keeping it on the pigsty after your surgery will help to absorb the blood, but the existent goal is to apply pressure level. You want to seize with teeth your teeth together so that the wound has pressure level directly on it.

As long as the area is bleeding or oozing, you should leave the dressing in place. That's typically most one hour.

After one 60 minutes, you should gently take the gauze out and check the socket to encounter how it's doing. If it continues to ooze, then you will want to get a new gauze dressing and identify it into your mouth. Information technology'south a good idea to practice this and reevaluate each 60 minutes until you don't need it anymore.

When you do remove the dressing, cheque whatsoever blood that it has captivated. If it'south pretty wet with saliva and has a mostly pinkish color to it, so you're probable about done with it.

Still, if it's still cherry and saturated, it'south possible you haven't been applying enough pressure.

If that is the case, you should apply a new piece of gauze and brand sure to seize with teeth down to apply enough pressure on the hole for a while longer.

When to modify gauze after tooth removal

As mentioned to a higher place, as you routinely check on the dressing each hour after surgery, yous should switch out the gauze each time until y'all no longer need it. Don't put a dirty dressing back on the socket.

Make certain you wait that hour before changing it considering if you lot remove it also much and too oftentimes, it could actually cause the clot to dislodge.

If it were to dislodge, that would expose the nerves and bone in the site. This can lead to an infection or dry out socket and, ultimately, your healing time will be much longer. Dry socket is the almost common complication of tooth removal and tin be incredibly painful.

Apart from routine checking, y'all should remove the dressing whenever you eat or drink and supersede it with a fresh ane when you take finished.

Information technology'southward besides important to consume only soft foods at beginning and avoid using a straw as well as smoking.

gauze blood clot tooth extraction
Tannic acrid can aid blood clots course

Boosted ways to stop the bleeding

By applying a skillful amount of pressure on the dressing, you should exist able to stop the bleeding.

However, if you are unable to become the bleeding to end following your dental surgery, there are other things you lot could give a effort.

For example, you could effort taking a moisture, blackness tea bag and place information technology on the hole. The bag's tannic acid can actually help give a blood clot a better chance to form. Once information technology does grade, the bleeding volition permit upwards.

When to call your dentist

If you feel a lot of pain and haemorrhage that you lot tin't get to finish, you should contact your dentist. While seeing cerise discharge mail service-surgery is common, you should non need to use any dressing to cover the hole the day subsequently surgery.

As well, if you discover that you oasis't been clotting or the clot has become dislodged, you will want to contact your dentist considering you could be at risk for dry socket. In order to prevent infection, it'southward possible that your dentist will recommend that you accept a medication similar antibiotics.


Information technology's best to take gauze over the extraction site subsequently your molar extraction, but it's also important to be sure that you follow all of your dentist'due south instructions. This will include:

  • Taking whatever prescribed antibiotics
  • Avoiding sucking motions, similar smoking and drinking through a straw
  • Eating soft foods to assist your healing process
  • Avoiding booze
  • Keeping the area clean

Past keeping the dressing in place, applying pressure to information technology, and changing it every hour, information technology shouldn't exist long earlier the wound starts clotting. This will help you get back to normal while withal avoiding infection or dry out socket.

If y'all feel pain, the jell doesn't grade, or the socket starts bleeding again several hours after the surgery, it's all-time to reach out to your dentist.


Natalie Asmussen

Natalie used to work equally a Community Wellness Worker and Health Insurance Navigator. She continues to follow her passion for connecting people with the healthcare they need past writing informative content about dentistry and medicine.

How Long To Leave Gauze After Tooth Extraction,


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