
How Long Do You Boil Egglettes

Hard boiled eggs without the shell…no joke

Convenience is something we all look for. And so when my sister-in-constabulary asked me to endeavor out this product, I was happy to help! Hard boiled eggs are a fast and piece of cake snack to eat in the morning, on the become, or to enjoy whenever y'all like. At that place is a grab though, those pesky shells that tend to rip the eggs apart (unless, of course, you lot find the "Holy Grail" of instuctions to follow for the perfect hard-boiled egg).

I am here to say that this production may be a goad in your busy routine if you lot love hard-boiled eggs but do not enjoy the procedure. EGG-CELLENT Egglettes (hooray for puns) are easy to use and require a heck of a lot less time than the difficult-boiled eggs similar grandma used to brand (although at that place is aught quite like peeling a perfect egg).

With a few piece of cake steps, I was able to make two of the cutest little eggs in less than twenty minutes. Follow these steps and y'all will be able to enjoy them in no time, as well.

**Learn how to get your own Egglette pods and this adorable timer (included with purchase) at the bottom of this review.

What You'll Need

  • Egglette pods (with lids), i pod per egg
  • Eggs, 1 per pod
  • Large pot
  • Cooking Spray
  • Timer

How We Did It

  1. Boil water in a big pot (filled enough so that Egglette pods volition be completely covered up to their red tops)
  2. Spray each Egglette pod with cooking spray.
  3. Crack and add each egg to the Egglette pod.
  4. Twist on tops of each Egglette pod (brand sure they are on tight).
  5. Once water is boiling, add the Egglette pods to pot and go on at a rolling boil.
  6. Boil for 15–16 minutes for hard-boiled (less fourth dimension if you desire soft or medium-boiled. I left the top of the pot on while boiling.
  7. When timer goes off, carefully remove lid from pot and remove Egglette pods from pot (WEARING AN OVEN MIT!).
  8. Allow absurd for a few mintues.
  9. Remove lids from the Egglette pods and advisedly squeeze out cooked egg. Be gentle considering they do slip out quite easily.
  10. Serve immediately and enjoy!
  11. May also be refrigerated, enjoyed in salad, or notwithstanding you like.

A Final Note

Bask the Egglettle Pods just like I did by visiting the link below. Through June 5, you tin purchase these Egglette pods for $thirteen.99. I truly hope yous enjoy the convenience of this production as much every bit I did!

How Long Do You Boil Egglettes,


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