
How Long Does Pain Last After Sinus Surgery

Long Covid: the symptoms and tips for recovery

Man in pain with headache and fatigue

Updated eighteen February 2022

While coronavirus symptoms may pass quickly, some people are suffering long-term effects. Nosotros expect at the symptoms of long Covid and offer some tips to assistance manage them.

What's on this folio

What is long Covid?

  • What is long Covid?
  • How likely am I to get long Covid?
  • How long does it take to recover from long Covid?

What are the symptoms of long Covid?

  • What are the symptoms of long Covid?
  • Which long Covid symptoms are well-nigh common?
  • Is it normal to accept chest pain after Covid?
  • What blazon of breast hurting practise people get after Covid?
  • Is it normal to take back hurting later on Covid?
  • Why do some people become palpitations, experience lightheaded or faint after Covid?

Tips for managing long Covid symptoms

  • Fatigue and breathlessness
  • Heave your mood and mental health
  • Tips for thinking or memory problems
  • Relieving articulation or muscle pain

What tests and treatments are bachelor?

  • Is in that location a test for long Covid?
  • Is there a treatment for long Covid?

Vaccination and long Covid

  • Does getting vaccinated reduce the risk of long Covid?
  • Does getting vaccinated help if you already have long Covid?
  • Can children get long Covid?

Common questions almost long Covid

  • Who is nearly at risk of developing long Covid?
  • Is long Covid contagious?
  • If I have long Covid, will I exam positive?
  • What support can I get for long Covid?
  • What research is being washed into long Covid?
  • Read stories from people with long Covid

We're here for y'all with information and support effectually coronavirus

Our fortnightly Eye Matters newsletter includes the latest updates near coronavirus when yous have a heart condition, equally well equally back up for salubrious eating, staying agile and your emotional wellbeing.

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What is long Covid?

What is long Covid?

Long Covid is a term to describe the effects of Covid-19 that proceed for weeks or months beyond the initial illness. The health watchdog the National Institute for Wellness and Care Excellence (Dainty) defines long Covid every bit lasting for more than 12 weeks, although some people consider symptoms that last more than eight weeks to be long Covid. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines long Covid as "commonly 3 months from the onset of Covid-nineteen with symptoms that last for at least 2 months and cannot be explained by an culling diagnosis."

Research published in June 2021 by Majestic Higher London, based on half a one thousand thousand people in England, found two main categories of ongoing symptoms: a smaller group of people with respiratory symptoms, such equally a cough or breathlessness, (this grouping was more than likely to take had astringent Covid-19 disease initially), and a larger grouping with a cluster of more full general symptoms, particularly tiredness and fatigue.

Enquiry based on people who reported their symptoms of long Covid on the Zoe Covid Symptom Study app also identified ii chief groups of symptoms, one mainly respiratory, simply including fatigue and headaches, and a second group of symptoms affecting many parts of the trunk, including the heart, brain and the gut. In the study of 4,182 people, centre symptoms were ordinarily reported, such every bit palpitations or increased heartbeat, every bit well as non-heart-related symptoms such as pins and needles, numbness and 'brain fog'.

How likely am I to become long Covid?

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates that betwixt three and 12 per cent of people who catch Covid volition still have symptoms 12 weeks after their initial infection. This is based on information provided past 20,000 people in the Coronavirus Infection Survey (CIS) betwixt 26 April and 1 August 2021.

It's important to note that these estimates were made before Omicron became the dominant variant in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Because Omicron hasn't been around for long enough, we don't yet know whether information technology is more or less likely to event in long Covid. Because more of the population are at present fully vaccinated, it volition also be hard to tell whether any differences in long Covid rates are due to the differences between variants or because of the protective effects of vaccination.

The ONS estimates that one.3 million people in the U.k. were experiencing long Covid symptoms as of 2 Jan 2022. This amounts to but over i in 50 of the population (2.1 per cent). This was defined as symptoms that had lasted more than four weeks from the initial infection. This is up from 1.2 million (one.nine%) every bit of 2 October, reflecting the increase in Covid infections in December 2021.

More than four in ten (42 per cent) of those people were experiencing long Covid symptoms more than a twelvemonth afterward their first suspected infection. Almost two thirds (63 per cent) said their symptoms had reduced their ability to carry out daily activities.

A report published in June past Imperial College, London, of one-half a meg adults in England who reported having Covid illness found that over a tertiary notwithstanding had at least i symptom 12 weeks later on.

A report led by the University of Leicester of just over one,000 people who had needed treatment in hospital for Covid establish that the majority (seven in 10) had not fully recovered five months later they were discharged. The report authors said that 1 in five of those in the report could be considered to have a new inability.

Of those who were working before they had Covid-19, well-nigh 1 in five (17.eight per cent) were no longer working and a further 1 in five (19.3 per cent) had experienced a health-related change to their piece of work.

  • Learn more most what coronavirus does to the body.
  • The BHF is supporting research into Covid-xix and its furnishings on the center and circulatory system.

How long does it have to recover from long Covid?

We are still learning how long the illness lasts and it varies between people. It's of import to note that lasting furnishings aren't unique to Covid-19 – other viral illnesses can also accept lasting effects. The study led past Leicester researchers described above suggests that amongst those who needed hospital treatment for the initial illness, it is common for it to last 5 months or more, and there are separate reports of it lasting 12 months or more (this includes both people who didn't need infirmary treatment initially and those who did.)

What are the symptoms of long Covid?

Although near people who go Covid-xix recover quickly, for some the effects of the virus can last for weeks or months. This is known every bit "long Covid".

For some, it can seem like a cycle of improving for a time and and then getting worse again. These long-term effects aren't merely among those who needed to go to hospital, or even who felt seriously unwell when they commencement defenseless the virus.

Lasting symptoms of coronavirus tin include:

  • fatigue
  • breathlessness or shortness of breath
  • difficulty sleeping
  • anxiety and depression
  • eye palpitations
  • chest tightness or pain
  • joint or muscle pain
  • not existence able to think straight or focus ('encephalon fog')
  • change to your sense of olfactory property or gustatory modality
  • persistent cough

Which long Covid symptoms are almost common?

Co-ordinate to the ONS, the near common symptoms experienced past people with long Covid are fatigue (51%), loss of smell (37%), shortness of breath (36%), followed by difficulty concentrating (28%).

Is it normal to have chest pain after Covid?

Chest pain is a common symptom of Covid-19. Some people are experiencing chest pain that lasts beyond their initial Covid-xix infection, or that starts in the weeks afterward they've had the virus.

It's important to remember that fifty-fifty if yous take had Covid-nineteen and are now are experiencing chest pain, it may not be related to the virus.

If you lot feel whatsoever new type of chest pain, information technology'southward important to become medical advice, equally chest pain tin be a sign of something more serious, like a heart or lung problem.

When should I seek urgent medical help?

Telephone call 999 if you feel:

  • Chest hurting that is sudden or severe and doesn't go abroad
  • Sudden chest hurting that is accompanied by airsickness, nausea, sweating, or shortness of breath
  • Sudden chest pain that is accompanied past a loss of consciousness

If y'all take breast pain that comes and goes, you should still speak to your GP most it or telephone call 111 – as chest pain should never exist ignored.

Some people with severe Covid-19 also feel center and circulatory problems during their illness.

  • Read more than about Covid-19 and your heart
  • Read more about Covid-xix and claret clots

What type of chest hurting practice people get after Covid-19?

We are still learning more virtually chest pain post-obit Covid-19, just it seems likely that it can exist caused by a variety of things.

Muscle hurting or soreness (myalgia)

Severe viral infections, including Covid-19, tin cause muscle pain or soreness, which tin be in a specific surface area or spread more widely. The affected area feels sore to the impact and is made worse by specific movements such as turning the chest or stretching.

Non-specific chest pain

Non-specific chest hurting, which is also chosen not-cardiac chest pain, tin exist sharp or ho-hum, and tin happen in short bursts or exist ongoing. It often doesn't take a cause that tin can be found.

  • Find more data about different types of chest pain on Your Covid Recovery from the NHS.

Is it normal to have back pain after Covid?

While joint and muscle problems can occur anywhere in the body during or after Covid-xix, back problems are among the well-nigh mutual. You lot may have had dorsum pain at times before getting Covid-nineteen, and if you were less active while you were sick, this could have made joint or muscle problems come up dorsum, or go worse. Joint stiffness and musculus weakness is also probable to get worse if yous weren't moving effectually as much when you were unwell.

In the weeks after getting Covid-19, some people have back anguish or a feeling or pins and needles. As you continue to recover, many of these symptoms may as well ameliorate. You lot can aim for a rest of remainder with as much of your normal daily activity you feel you can practise, and also exercise to improve your strength and flexibility, such as stretches or yoga.

When should I seek medical assistance?

If your pain is severe, and interfering with your daily activities, you can talk to your doctor for advice, or if:

  • your dorsum pain is getting worse
  • fatigue or breathlessness is preventing you from beingness active
  • you develop new symptoms
  • your joints and musculus bug haven't improved later three months.

Find out more virtually how to manage joint and muscle problems on Your Covid Recovery from the NHS.

Why exercise some people become palpitations, feel lightheaded or faint later on Covid?

There is emerging evidence that some people who develop long Covid have similar symptoms to people with a condition known every bit postural tachycardia syndrome, or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (PoTS). This condition tin cause dizziness when moving to an upright position and tin exist triggered by infections. The most common symptoms are feeling empty-headed, palpitations (beingness aware of your heartbeat) and fatigue.

There accept been several case reports in medical journals of people who had continuing symptoms following Covid-19 infection, and some were institute to have PoTS. PoTs happens because your body's means of avoiding a driblet in blood pressure when you stand up up aren't working properly. Normally when you sit upward or stand up, gravity makes some of your blood menstruum downwards, which tin cause a autumn in blood pressure. Your body responds to forestall a fall in blood pressure by narrowing your claret vessels and slightly increasing your heart rate. Just if you accept PoTS these automatic changes don't happen. When you move to an upright position the supply of claret to your centre and brain drops and your heart starts chirapsia faster to recoup.

While there is no cure for PoTS, it can exist managed by diet, exercise and medication, and the researchers say information technology is of import to become an accurate diagnosis and so patients can exist treated and advised on how to manage their symptoms.

If this sounds like your symptoms after having Covid-nineteen, yous should let your physician know to ensure yous are correctly diagnosed and tin receive constructive treatment.

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) accept published guidance for doctors that recognises orthostatic bug (including PoTS) as symptoms of long Covid. Orthostatic means relating to, or caused past, beingness upright.

The RCP recommend to doctors that patients experiencing breathlessness, palpitations, fatigue, chest hurting and fainting should exist checked carefully for orthostatic problems. This includes having an agile stand test, which measures a patient'southward changes in heart rate and blood pressure level after moving from a lying to a standing position.

  • Find out more about PoTS.

Tips for managing long Covid symptoms

Fatigue and breathlessness

  • Pace yourself - plan what you're going to do and don't over-exert yourself.
  • Try to interruption tasks which feel hard downward into smaller chunks, and alternating easier and harder activities.
  • Consider the all-time time of the day to do certain activities based on your energy levels.
  • Frequent short rests are better than a few longer ones, then rest before you become exhausted.
  • Don't stop doing things that make you experience breathless. If you lot end using your muscles, they'll get weaker, which can make you more breathless when you lot try to apply them.
  • Effort to gradually increment the amount of do you lot do. Endeavor going for brusque walks or doing simple strength exercises and build upwards from in that location.
  • If you use a walking stick or a frame, lean forrad on it when y'all experience breathless.
  • The ME Association has published a leaflet about post-Covid fatigue. You can also telephone call them on 0344 576 5326 for farther support.

Heave your mood and mental health

  •  Be kind to yourself during your recovery – be prepared that some days volition exist worse than others
  •  Connecting with other people can aid you feel happier – make sure to proceed in touch with family and friends.
  •  Having a daily routine tin can be skilful for your mood and sense of stability.
  •  Stay agile – continuing to move will help release endorphins and ameliorate your mood.

Tips for thinking or retention problems

  • Brand notes to help you remember things – whether it's in work meetings or medical appointments.
  • Try to reduce distractions.
  • It can help to make a clear plan before approaching whatever new or complicated trouble or situation. Break it downwards into steps, and keep checking your plan every bit you lot follow information technology.

Relieving joint or musculus pain

  • Flexibility exercises (like stretches, yoga and tai chi) and strength exercises (similar climbing stairs, lifting weights and working with resistance bands) can be useful. Check with your physician before starting a new exercise authorities.

What tests and treatments are bachelor?

Is in that location a test for long Covid?

There isn't one single test to diagnose long Covid. It'southward a condition that isn't fully understood yet.

Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing lasting long Covid symptoms. They may refer you for tests to help sympathise how long Covid is affecting you and how it tin be treated. Or it may even be that at that place is some other cause for your symptoms.

Tests could include:

  • blood tests
  • heart charge per unit and blood pressure checks
  • a sit-to-stand test
  • an ECG
  • a chest X-ray

Researchers are looking into new ways to exam for long Covid.

  • Notice out more about why researchers think findings nigh the immune organization could unlock the way to a exam for long Covid
  • Learn almost a special MRI to better empathize lung damage from long Covid

Is there a treatment for long Covid?

Unfortunately, there isn't 1 single treatment or medication to treat long Covid.

Everyone'south feel is different, so information technology's important to chat to your GP near the symptoms you lot are experiencing. They can tell you how to all-time manage them, and let y'all know what other support is bachelor.

If long Covid is having a big impact on your life, you may be referred to a specialist rehabilitation service, or a specialist who looks subsequently the symptoms yous take.

There's lots of things you can exercise at dwelling house to manage your symptoms as you recover.

  • Read our tips for managing fatigue and breathlessness, low mood, retentivity bug, or joint pain.

Vaccination and long Covid

Does getting vaccinated reduce the take chances of long Covid?

Yes – there is lots of show that having the vaccine reduces your gamble of developing long Covid.

In Feb 2022 the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Health Security Agency (UKHSA) published a review of xv long Covid studies from the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and across the world. They constitute that people who caught Covid after having two doses of Pfizer, AstraZeneca, or Moderna, or ane dose of the Janssen vaccine, were half as likely to develop lasting Covid symptoms (lasting 28 days or more from the original infection), compared to those who were unvaccinated, or only had one dose. The enquiry also found a reduction in longer-term long Covid symptoms (up to half dozen months). This review merely looked at people who defenseless Covid – given that vaccination also reduces your risk of catching Covid, the bodily reduction in long Covid chance from the vaccine is significantly bigger.

Research from Rex's College Londonlikewise suggests that 2 doses of the vaccine halves the hazard of long Covid in adults. The analysis, looking at data from the ZOE Covid App between 8 December 2020 and 4 July 2021, also showed that fully vaccinated adults are much less likely to need hospital treatment and tend to written report milder Covid symptoms than those who are unvaccinated.

Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) backs this up, showing that two doses of the vaccine could reduce the risk of developing long Covid by 40% (in people 18-69 years of age).

These studies happened before Omicron became the dominant Covid variant in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, or earlier boosters were widely rolled out, so more research needs to be washed to understand the bear on of these.

  • See up-to-engagement inquiry about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine

Does getting vaccinated help if you already have long Covid?

In that location is growing evidence that getting the vaccine could reduce long Covid in people who defenseless the virus before they were vaccinated. We are still learning more nearly this and what the reasons for it might be.

In the UKHSA testify review, three out of four studies looking at long Covid before and subsequently vaccination plant that more than people reported an comeback in symptoms (either straight away or over several weeks) than people who were unvaccinated. But in that location were a few people in all studies who institute that their symptoms got worse.

In enquiry published in October 2021, the Role for National Statistics used data from the UK Coronavirus Infection Survey to look at the clan between Covid-xix vaccination and long Covid in people who already had it before the vaccine.

In enquiry published in October 2021, the Office for National Statistics used information from the U.k. Coronavirus Infection Survey to wait at the clan between Covid-19 vaccination and long Covid in people who already had information technology before the vaccine. They found that the get-go vaccine was associated with an initial 13% decrease in the likelihood of self-reported long Covid, although it's not clear from the data whether this was a lasting improvement or if symptoms returned subsequently an initial improvement. The second dose was associated with ix% decrease in the likelihood of self-reported long Covid, relative to having received the first vaccination, and there was statistical evidence of a sustained comeback after this.

Which vaccine was used (Pfizer, AstraZeneca or Moderna) didn't appear to brand whatever difference to the results. Nor did the person'due south age, ethnic groundwork, gender or other wellness problems.

This type of study is observational, which ways it can't testify crusade and effect. The study was also express in that it only followed people for an boilerplate of 67 days after the second vaccine, and not anybody in the study had their second vaccine. And then we can't be sure from this that the Covid-19 vaccines help people with long Covid (although we practice know that they reduce the risk of getting Covid again). Over time, the quality and understanding of this information will improve and the conclusions and statistics generated will be more definite.

Can children get long Covid?

Aye. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published data from the Great britain Coronavirus Infection Survey which looked at how many people showed symptoms five weeks afterwards infection. The survey showed that almost xiii per cent of children in the survey aged between two and xi and 14.5 per cent of children aged 12 to 16 reported certain symptoms including fatigue, cough, headache, muscle aches or loss of taste or smell five weeks after falling ill with Covid-19. But it isn't articulate from the published data how many children these figures were based on.

The ONS also published data which showed that one in x secondary school pupils reported ongoing symptoms more than 4 weeks subsequently a confirmed Covid-xix infection. A similar proportion of pupils who had a suspected (but non confirmed) Covid-19 infection besides reported that they had symptoms that lasted more than iv weeks. The most mutual symptoms were "weakness/ tiredness", reported by nearly one-half of pupils who had lingering symptoms. Six out of x pupils with long Covid symptoms said information technology limited their ability to acquit out day to twenty-four hour period activities. The information was based on a survey of ii,326 pupils in schools in England from two-26 July 2021.

  • Contact Long Covid Kids for more than information and to connect to other parents

Common questions about long Covid

Who is most at take chances of developing long Covid?

Researchers have analysed information from the COVID Symptom Study app to discover who is most at risk of developing long Covid. They found that older people, women, and those who had a more severe infection (with v or more than symptoms in the showtime week of becoming ill with Covid-xix) were more than probable to develop long Covid.

They found that long Covid affects around ane in ten 18-49 year-olds who get Covid-xix, increasing to just over one in 5 (22 per cent) people over 70. The researchers also found people with asthma were also more likely to develop long Covid. This was the only clear link they found to existing health conditions in people who developed long Covid.

Researchers from University Hospital Zurich have backed up these findings. Their research also found that people with low levels of certain antibodies (IgM and IgG3) in their blood may be more likely to develop long Covid. When they combined this antibody data with the other factors (such equally the person's historic period, number of initial Covid symptoms, and history of asthma), they were improve able to predict who would go on to take long Covid.

Figures from the Role for National Statistics on people with cocky-reported long Covid said it was well-nigh common amid those anile 35-69, females, people living in the most deprived areas, those working in health or social intendance, or teaching and didactics, and people with another health condition or disability. This study was based on 305,997 people who responded to the Coronavirus Infection Survey in the 4 weeks to 2 Jan 2022.

Is long Covid contagious?

Long Covid is not contagious. Long Covid symptoms are caused past your body's response to the virus continuing beyond the initial illness.

To avoid passing coronavirus on to others, you should self-isolate for 10 days from your original symptoms or positive exam, or if after 10 days you notwithstanding take a temperature, or runny nose or sneezing, or sickness or diarrhoea, until these symptoms have gone.

If I have long Covid, will I test positive?

No, having long Covid symptoms won't crusade you to test positive.

If you go a positive Covid test outcome it's almost likely to be a new infection from the one that caused your long Covid symptoms. If you have a positive test, equally always, you need to self-isolate for 10 total days to avoid passing information technology on. If later on 10 days you still take a fever, or are feeling hot or shivery, or have a runny olfactory organ or sneezing, or are feeling or being ill, or have diarrhoea, you should self-isolate until those symptoms have gone. If whatsoever of these symptoms are lasting a long time and you think they may be symptoms of long Covid, you lot can get another PCR test to run across if you still have an agile infection.

What back up can I get for long Covid?

  • Long Covid clinics are existence rolled out across England and have started in Wales to aid those struggling with ongoing symptoms. Speak to your GP or healthcare professional person to find out if you are existence referred. No similar services have yet been announced in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
  • Your Covid Recovery has been prepare by the NHS to provide information and support to those who've had Covid and are notwithstanding suffering with symptoms. A bilingual version of the app has been developed past NHS Wales.
  • If y'all're worried about your symptoms, or if they are getting worse, contact your GP. Y'all may be able to be referred for physiotherapy, or for psychological support such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
  • Ever phone call 999 if you have any emergency symptoms, such as sudden breast paint, or if you think you may be having a middle set on or stroke. Find out more data on when to go medical aid.

What inquiry is being washed into long Covid?

The BHF and others are funding research to find out more most long Covid. Read more almost what inquiry is happening into long Covid.

Read stories from people with long Covid

If you're struggling with the ongoing symptoms of coronavirus, it can be helpful to know you're not solitary.

Suki Newman

A year of health problems: Suki's story

"I found the only mode to get better is to cease and remainder for as long every bit it takes."

Read Suki's story

Mark Wilkinson

Marking's ongoing battle with long Covid

"Each day was like being on a rollercoaster in the night."

ReadMarking's story

James sat with his son

James's road to recovery

"Things are going in the right direction. Now, my worst moments aren't as bad as the previous worst moments. I just accept to be patient."

Read James's story

Martin Rogerson

Martin'southward experience of long Covid

"Sometimes I but need a fleck of time on my own so I tin can sit, reflect on what'south happened, and try to deal with it."

Read Martin's story

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Our fortnightly Middle Matters newsletter includes the latest updates about coronavirus when yous have a heart condition, besides as support for good for you eating, staying active and your emotional wellbeing.

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