Having a kid removed from the family home by CPS is a nightmare that no parent ever wishes to experience.

A new law in Texas adds new clarity to CPS investigations and when the agency actually has the right to remove a child from the abode.

In the face of this new law and all other laws regarding CPS and its ability to remove children, lawyers who aid clients facing CPS investigations stress the importance of understanding what the law really is and all changes as they come nigh.

Parents facing accusations or investigations should immediately find a CPS investigations chaser to represent them then their kid is non unnecessarily taken into CPS custody.

Business firm Bill 567 Clarifies The Definition of Child Neglect

Texas Business firm Bill 567 became law on May 15, 2021 and goes into consequence on September 1, 2021; it takes an important stride in giving back some parental rights in CPS cases past clarifying the definition of kid neglect.

Protecting children from unlawful and unnecessary removal from their family home, this new police states that neglect in Texas is now defined every bit a parent'south:

  • Act or lack of action that causes actual harm to a child.
  • Act or lack of action that puts a child in immediate danger of harm.
  • A parent's blatant disregard for the consequences relating to that action or lack thereof.

Previously, CPS investigation lawyers accept represented many parents confronting accusations by CPS that there were suspicions of neglect, but no actual proof.

Once in outcome, this constabulary should drastically reduce the instances of children being removed from parental homes where no actual fail has been proven.

Parental Marijuana Use No Longer A Footing For Removal

CPS attorneys can now as well propose parents well-nigh another item within HB 567 relating to the use of marijuana and whether that is grounds for removing children from the family habitation.

Previously, personal utilise just of the substance permitted CPS to come in and remove children from a home, whereas at present the Bill clarifies that a parent shall not be considered negligent from only testing positive for the utilise of cannabis.

Neglect must exist adamant merely if there is show via a CPS investigation that cannabis use by the parent has go detrimental to the child in some way.

Children Suffer When Needlessly Removed From Their Parents

An important factor outlined in Texas HB 567 that is fully supported by CPS lawyers is that children are negatively impacted when they are removed from their parents, fifty-fifty for short periods of time.

This is specially significant because how many child welfare advocates and CPS investigation attorneys alike observe that CPS too often equates lower-income with neglect, removing children from homes far too soon, and oftentimes before any actual fail has been proven.

The new law offers greater protection of parents and children as well as their rights, solidifying the importance of fugitive the removal of children from parents as much as possible and doing the proper investigation to ensure that children are really in danger to the degree that removal is the all-time option.

Know Your Rights When Dealing With CPS

Child neglect and endangerment is a serious issue that requires immediate attention and many times a CPS investigation for the welfare of that kid.

Nevertheless what parents and their children do not need is blanket accusations without proof that outcome in the kid beingness unnecessarily removed from the family unit habitation.

Lawyers who help parents facing unproven CPS accusations make sure that their rights are being protected, peculiarly now with the signing of Texas HB 567.

If you accept been defendant of child neglect or corruption or are facing threats that your child volition be removed from your home, contact a qualified CPS attorney right abroad.

Schreier & Housewirth Family Police force

1800 Westward Bowie Street, Suite 200-E
Fort Worth TX 76110


Gregory L. Housewirth is a Board-Certified Family Law Specialist practicing in Fort Worth Texas. With thirty years of family constabulary experience, Mr. Housewirth has represented hundreds of clients in divorce, custody, CPS, modification, and grandparent cases. In addition, Mr. Housewirth is a qualified family law mediator and a fellow member of Collaborative Police force Texas, a practice group dedicated to promoting collaborative divorce in Texas.