
How Long Does A Kitchen Renovation Take

Why Kitchen Remodeling Takes Fourth dimension

The abode remodeling programs on HGTV are fun to watch. Magic happens in minutes. Presto!  Old and outdated becomes new and modern. This is the magic of habitation remodeling in DC!

Just the Tv shows but requite you lot glimpses of the remodeling procedure—the pleasing parts. They don't show the planning and training that goes into a successful kitchen design and remodeling.

And they don't even come close to showing a realistic timeline to complete the project. The viewer gets the sensationalized version.  We think you deserve the truth. Arlington VA kitchen remodel
Perception versus reality

If y'all live in the Washington DC area, you probably have friends who have remodeled their kitchens. You've may have heard some of them say, "I thought information technology would be washed by now."

There are three likely reasons for this complaint:

  1. An inexperienced kitchen designer or contractor gave an inaccurate time frame.
  2. The homeowner had unrealistic expectations that were not corrected past the pros.
  3. Alter orders requested by the homeowner that increased the telescopic of the piece of work or delivery fourth dimension for materials

The most common business or question we become from clients, and prospective clients, is "when will information technology be completed?" They fearfulness the renovation volition go on and on forever .

Some dwelling house renovation projects tin exist completed quickly. Some have several months. Information technology really depends on the scope of the project.

How Much Time Volition My Kitchen Project Accept?

The time needed for designing and remodeling a kitchen depends on the scope of the projection, availability of materials, and the requirements of the pattern.

If the kitchen design programme is straightforward, new components replace the old ones in the same layout. This is called a  replacement kitchen . In that location is minimal construction or customization involved. Replacement kitchen projects average 6-eight weeks for a moderate sized kitchen.

Kitchen remodeling projects that involve a larger space, wall removals, structural changes, and reconfiguration of the floor plan take longer. A off-white expectation is 10-12 weeks. That'southward the timeframe for a custom kitchen renovation .

Can Your Kitchen Remodel Have Even Longer?

An efficient kitchen remodeling project is built around a schedule. Your project manager lays out a series of steps to be completed in sequence.

Still, even with the most carefully planned renovation projects, delays tin occur—non necessarily because of incompetence or carelessness.

Many specialty subcontractors and a lot of special ordered products are involved in a kitchen remodeling project. That makes for tricky scheduling. Everything is tied together in sequence.

Little hiccups are spring to happen. Most of the time they are smoothed over by projection management so that delays --if they occur-- aren't show stoppers.

07 web FLOOR PLAN-Palisades DC kitchen remodel BEFORE

Great Kitchen Remodeling Experiences Come to Those Who Plan

Here's a detailed expect at a custom kitchen renovation timeline. There are two parts: Pre-Construction and Structure Phase

Kitchen Pre-Structure Phase

  1. Design Meetings

floor plans
article of furniture programme
lighting & electrical plan

  1. Selections

Plumbing fixtures
Low-cal fixtures
Cabinet Hardware

  1. Construction Drawings
  2. Apply for Permits
  3. Order materials (delivery dates align with structure schedule)

Kitchen Structure Schedule Instance:

Calendar week ane

  • Dust & flooring protection
  • Sabotage
  • Straighten & level framing

Calendar week 2

Sub-contractors crude in

  • Plumbing
  • Electric
  • Duct work
  • A/V wiring

Calendar week three

  • Close-in inspections
  • Install insulation
  • Insulation inspection
  • Stock drywall

Calendar week four

  • Hang & finish drywall
  • Sand and prime number drywall

Week 5

  • Install hardwood flooring
  • Receive and set cabinets

Calendar week six

  • Measure out for countertops
  • Interior trim work
  • Countertop fabrication

Calendar week 7

  • Install countertops and appliances
  • Subs trim out electric and plumbing.

Week 8 & nine

  • Painting
  • Finish hardwood floor

Calendar week ten

  • Professional cleaning
  • Final walk thru & punch listing meeting

There you accept it. We've shared the truth based on our 35 years of experience in home renovation and kitchen remodeling. Obviously, it is of import to gear up clear expectations with customers. Renovation is a pregnant investment. We think the more than you lot know going into it, the amend you will appreciate the unabridged process and the team you accept partnered with to enrich your feel in a new kitchen. The weeks of construction will be over earlier y'all know information technology.Of form, a replacement kitchen schedule volition be shorter and a custom kitchen renovation that includes structural piece of work may exist longer, only we think that's the magic of practiced kitchen remodeling for your DC abode—making it all seem quick and easy.

Learn about how to approach a kitchen design and remodeling project by downloadingThe Definitive Guide to Kitchen Design & Remodeling Success.

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